text-select - select text on any web web page

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text-select is a tiny and helpful library to easily select text on web pages. Compared to other solutions, text-select can not only select text of HTML elements but you can also select a substring. text-select can also be used in end-to-end tests (e.g. using Protractor or TestCafe) to select any text during tests.



Get started

import {selectElementText, selectText} from '@alidev/text-select/dist';
// Select the whole text of an element
// Select only a substring of an element's text
selectText(document.getElementById('contact-email', 'john.doe@ac.me'));
<script src="text-select.bundle.js"></script>




Local development setup

  1. Download the repository.
  2. Get Node.js and install it if you haven’t already.
  3. Use npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  4. The source code is written in TypeScript in the src directory.
  5. Run npm run build to build the library.
  6. Run npm test to run the e2e tests.


Pull requests and feature requests are welcome!